// Decompiled by Jad v1.5.8e. Copyright 2001 Pavel Kouznetsov. // Jad home page: http://www.geocities.com/kpdus/jad.html // Decompiler options: braces fieldsfirst space lnc package com.tencent.mm.sdk.modelbiz; import android.os.Bundle; import com.tencent.mm.sdk.b.a; import com.tencent.mm.sdk.modelbase.BaseReq; public class c extends BaseReq { private static final String a = "MicroMsg.SDK.JumpToBizWebview.Req"; private static final int b = 1024; private int c; public String extMsg; public String toUserName; public int webType; public boolean checkArgs() { if (toUserName == null || toUserName.length() <= 0) { com.tencent.mm.sdk.b.a.a("MicroMsg.SDK.JumpToBizWebview.Req", "checkArgs fail, toUserName is invalid"); return false; } if (extMsg != null && extMsg.length() > 1024) { com.tencent.mm.sdk.b.a.a("MicroMsg.SDK.JumpToBizWebview.Req", "ext msg is not null, while the length exceed 1024 bytes"); return false; } if (webType != 0) { com.tencent.mm.sdk.b.a.a("MicroMsg.SDK.JumpToBizWebview.Req", "now only support the webtype is 0"); return false; } else { return true; } } public int getType() { return 8; } public void toBundle(Bundle bundle) { super.toBundle(bundle); bundle.putString("_wxapi_jump_to_biz_webview_req_to_user_name", toUserName); bundle.putString("_wxapi_jump_to_biz_webview_req_ext_msg", extMsg); bundle.putInt("_wxapi_jump_to_biz_webview_req_web_type", webType); bundle.putInt("_wxapi_jump_to_biz_webview_req_scene", c); } public () { c = 1; } }